Acer, a Taiwanese PC makers announced a recall on laptop battery manufactured by Sony recently. This is followed by a major recall from other PC makers such as Dell, Lenovo, Toshiba and Apple last year, after confirmed by Sony that some batches of the Lithium-ion battery manufactured could cause overheat and potentially fire hazard. Acer plans to recall a total of 27000 defective battery pack following this announcement. More than 9.6 million laptop batteries have been recalled up to date.
The affected laptop models were sold at retail in United States and Canada from May through November 2006. Both the laptop models TravelMate and Aspires series were determined to possibly containing the defective battery pack. For the immediate action, the consumers are advised to check the 4-digit model numbers beginning with 242, 320, 321, 330, 422, 467, 561, C20 for TravelMate series and 556, 560, 567, 930, 941, 980 for Aspire series. Once it is confirmed under affected batches, the user can approach Acer service center for free battery replacement. Consumers are advised to take out the defective battery pack and powered up the laptop directly using power adapter for containment action.
As of date, no consumer has reported incident of overheating due to the battery problem as according to Acer spokesperson. And this action is purely a preventive measurement for the benefit of consumers. More information here.