Acer Japan has recently announced that it will soon launch its network attached storage PC, named as Aspire easyStore H340. The new Aspire easyStore H340 is featured with Intel’s 1.6GHz Atom CPU, 1GB of memory and 945GC Express mainboard. The Aspire easyStore runs on Windows Home Server that able to support up to 10 connected PCs and sharing multimedia content such as photos, video, music and etc.
Featured with five USB 2.0 ports for connecting external drives, Aspire easyStore is also equipped with a
eSATA port and GigabitEthernet port. Apart of that, it also integrated with Acer’s one-touch USB copy that able to copy content from USB devices and supports scheduler daily backups.
The Acer Aspire easyStore is expected will be available in Japan on 6th of March.It is priced at $610 with a single TB drive and three TB drives for $916.