If you want to check the weather conditions in real time for places around the world, you can do so with Firefox’s addon AnyWeather. As its name implies, you can find out the weather instantly in more than 77,000 locations globally. A few clicks will enable you to switch to another location without hassle or link you to more details of the weather for that area. Wind conditions, humidity, precipitation, and 5-day weather forecast are also available from this free add-on for Firefox.

The weather info is displayed unobtrusively in the browser’s toolbar. Striking animations make even the gloomiest weather readings appear cheerful. Besides, you can set the default location to give you instant access to the weather information in your area. You can also customize the information you want displayed in the pop-up window to include air quality, satellite, radar or alerts (in the US) besides the usual weather info.

AniWeather provides you with essential weather reports all over the world round the clock and at your finger tips.
