Apple 4G iPhone is expected to reach consumer market by next month and while waiting for its official arrival, there are already some rumors flying around especially related to its component vendors. Other than LG Innotek that recently being leaked to have mass producing its 5MP camera module, the recent claim quoted by Ming-Chi Kuo, senior analyst in Digitimes disclosed that LG Display and Prime View International will be its LCD panel module vendors.

The next generation 4G iPhone is believed to be using IPS (In-plane switching) panels, which used to be employed in high-end LCD and when coupled with FFS (Fringe-field switching) technology, it allows wider viewing angle with sharper clarity, making the next generation iPhone sunlight readable with greater e-book reading experience in view of increasing demand of e-book reader feature in mobile device and its online iBook store. And as expected, it promises a 960 x 640 pixel resolutions that were rumored earlier as you can read in full features and specifications for iPhone 4G. And in order to cater for more power hungry A4 Cortex-A8 processor as compared to its predecessor, the new panel has been shrunk to one third of its existing module in 3GS, giving more space for larger capacity battery from Simplo Technology and Dynapack International Technology.

The official release of iPhone 4G will commerce at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference on June 7th 2010. Surprisingly, the analyst further forecasts that Foxconn will be delivering a total of 24 million of iPhone 4G with shipment split into 4.5 million units in the first half while leaving the rest of 19.5 million units in second half till the end of this year.