There has been much speculation around after Apple Inc acquired the PA Semi for its expertise in silicon design. Some foresee that the famous iPhone maker is actually planning its own processor to be used in its next generation smartphone or Mac TV. However, none of these rumors get further confirmation until a recent report surfaced that the new processor could be potentially be used on its own brand tablet PC planned to be released by this year.
Apple Inc is claimed to be splitting the PA Semi’s design team into two different groups, with one of them continues the design of ARM based processor for tiny and portable product that emphasizes on thermally efficient product, while the other team looking after more powerful processor architecture design for the tablet PC market. As usual, Apple doesn’t seems to be interested on low priced product such as nettop market that have been occupied by Acer or Asustek and so the price could be reaching around $800 on top of nettop’s pricing.
The tablet PC is believed to be launched some times in October this year. If this is true, it also means that the company has already started the design phase and may have reached final stage before ready for mass production. As of today, few major manufacturers such as Foxconn, Dynapack and Wintek have received respective orders based on reliable source.