Apple has officially announced the launch of its new second generation iPod touch, which features sleek new design, integrated volume control buttons, built-in speaker for casual listening, built-in wireless support for Nike + iPod, Apple’s revolutionary Multi-Touch user interface, built-in accelerometer as well as other advanced sensors, working with new iTunes 8 Genius feature that allows consumers to create playlists automatically while on the go.
“iPod touch is the funnest iPod we’ve ever created,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Users can listen to millions of songs, watch thousands of Hollywood movies and now, thanks to the App Store, download and play hundreds of great games on their iPod touch.”
The owners of new iPod touch can select hundreds of exciting game titles on iTunes or directly through revolutionary App Store application on iPod touch, including ‘Spore Origins’ and ‘Scrabble’ from Electronic Arts, and ‘Real Football 2009’ from Gameloft.
In addition, the new iPod touch which incorporates a brilliant 3.5-inch widescreen glass display and 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi wireless networking is able to support up to 36 hours for music playback or 6 hours for video playback.
According to the release, “The iPod is the world’s most popular family of digital music players with over 160 million sold. Apple’s incredible new lineup includes the iPod shuffle in four vivid new colors starting at just $49; the iPod classic in one slimline model with 50 percent more capacity for the same great price—120GB of storage for just $249; the fourth generation iPod nano featuring a gorgeous curved metal and curved glass enclosure, in nine vibrant colors starting at $149; and the second generation iPod touch now starting at just $229. iPod owners can choose from a vast ecosystem of accessories with over 5,000 products made specifically for the iPod including speaker systems, fitness accessories, fashionable cases and iPod connectivity available in over 90 percent of new car models sold in the US.”
The new iPod Touch that come in 8GB, 16GB and 32GB memory capacities are now available for $229, $299 and $399, respectively.
Update: iPod touch 3G