Rumors of iPad 2 new features and availability have been spreading around but before its official availability, there are already some confirmation especially on the selected vendors that will be supplying its internal components. And one of them is the camera lens module that is newly added into iPad 2. According to Digitimes, a reliable online source, Largan Precision which is currently supplying 5-megapixel camera for iPhone 4 will be continue its business relationship to supply the camera module to next generation iPad tablet PC.
Even though there isn’t any detail if Largan Precision will be providing both front facing camera in VGA resolution and higher resolution rear facing camera, but the report further emphasized that the manufacturer has begun outsourcing manufacturing of VGA resolution models, with high possibility that it is already putting higher focus for volume production on 5-megapixel camera module as required by the Cupertino-based company.
If the speculation is correct, then the rear facing camera feature on iPad 2 could be true but some do feel that it may not be realistic to treat a relatively larger tablet PC as a portable digital camera for image or media capturing while moving around. As of now, Largan Prevision declined to comment on the report so it may still be rumor until further confirmation.