ARM processor is currently monopolizing smartphone market and is trying to penetrate into MID (Mobile Internet Device) segment that is still occupied by X86 based architecture designs. While it continues to shrink down its package size with more advanced process technology, but at the same time it also tries to combine few cores into a single die and just recently, it has announced the development plan for duo-core Cortex A9 processor that can boost up to maximum clock speed of 2GHz.
The new architecture is based on newer 40nm (nanometer) process technology and despite the clocking speed boost, it is estimated to be able to stay within 0.25W thermal window per CPU, which is relatively much lower than what being generated by thermally efficient X86 processor such as Intel Atom at 5W range.
Although it may seems to be over-power when designing into high end smart phone device, but with the sufficient CPU cycles provided by the next generation Cortex A9 core running at 2GHz, it is definitely ideal to be used in MID to run much CPU intensive applications, bringing the gap even closer to what can be achieved by X86 architecture.
No detail on availability yet, since it will be very much depends on any third party to license its Intellectual property, but we should expect to see the initial sample to be available by this fall and some do foresee that this core may be used in Apple’s next generation tablet PC with customization based on PA Semi’ expertise.