Asus, the famous Taiwanese PC maker has recently added a new tiny box PC under its Eee PC product lines. Named as EeeBox EB1501, the new product will be based on Intel duo-core Atom processors pairing with Nvidia Ion chipset targeted for consumers that are looking for high end multimedia PC in digital home.


EB1501 is powered by Intel duo core Atom 330 processor running at 1.6GHz. Further coupled with Nvidia famous Ion solution with GeForce 9400M graphics core, it provides necessary horse power required for full HD (High Definition) hardware video decoding that being criticized not to be able to be handled well by Intel own legacy 945GSE chipset. Other hardware specifications include a 2GB memory RAM, a 250GB SATA based hard disk drive, Gigabit Ethernet controller, eSATA port, 802.11n wireless technology as well as a slot loading DVD player for nettop market.

However, pricing wise will be a bit high compared to other Intel Atom based solution due to its relatively strong graphics solution from Nvidia with combination of duo-core Atom solution that will definitely attract some consumers especially those that are looking for significant multimedia capable machine in digital home. Retailed at around 399 Euros, EB1501 is expected to be preloaded with Windows 7 Operating System ready for European countries by end of this month.