Ever wished that Apple would release a Table Mac? So did the guys at Axiotron, who got a little impatient and made their own.

The ModBook is really a standard Apple MacBook, but with its keyboard and LCD screen ripped off – replaced by a Tablet LCD panel made of chemically strengthened glass with a magnesium alloy frame.

It is very well made too and feels more like an official Apple product than an aftermarket modification.

Rather than using touch-screen technology, the ModBook uses digitizer technology from Wacom for highly accurate and versatile pen input.

While the LCD panel has the ame resolution as a standard MacBook’s (1,2800 x 800 pixels), it is superior system with much wider viewing angles.

The other cool thing is that Mac OS X has built-in support for text-input through graphics tables, so no additional software is required to use pen input with the ModBook.
