BenQ has announced the release of its new Joybook S57 laptop. The HD-ready laptop is aimed to deliver advanced multimedia experience by equipping the system with high-end specifications such as HDMI, TruSurround HD and discrete GPU.


Featured with 15.6-inch wide LED-backlist screen, BenQ Joybook S57 is also powered by Intel Centrino 2 processor technology and next-generation ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 dGPU with support for Microsoft DirectX 10.1 games. It also built-in with either an 8X DVD Super-Multi optical disc device or 2X Blue ray DVD combo and HDD capacity available of up to 500 GB.

In addition, it also featured with a 2W microphone, two 2W speakers, VoIP, 2.0M webcam with Magic-I visual effects, 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN card, eSATA high-speed data connector, express card slot, 4-in-1 card reader and optional Bluetooth.

The new Joybook S57 is expected to be available at 9 of March in Asia-Pacific country like Australia, Thailand and Malaysia.