Wanted to have ability to call someone? If you have your iPhone jailbroken, the recently discovered tweak from Cydia could be something that you are looking for. Named as CallNow, the tweak is simple but yet powerful enough that allows users customize their ways to activate the calls even including hand shaking while holding the iOS devices.
The installation is pretty simple, just follow below steps to get it done:
- Head over to Cydia and under Manage, add in http://qwertyoruiop.com as a new source.
- Under Search, type in CallNow follow by search will list down respective tweak ready for download.
- Download and install it follow by Springboard restart and you are done.
Take note that there will be no new icon on Springboard but under Settings, you should be able to find ‘CallNow’ for further configuration. Tapping on it will go into next sub menu and over here, users can key in the respective person and mobile number to call by certain activation method which is fully configurable at any time. For instances, users can short hold on Home button, single press on headset button, slide in gesture or even shake device to make the call, effectively reduce all the hassle when trying to quick calling an important VIP number while on the move.
CallNow is useful not only for normal usage but also in emergency situation especially when in certain scenario (such as kidnapping) that you don’t have time or are not allowed to make any calls, the silent gesture movement may bring you the necessary rescue.