The famous largest seller of desktop PCs, notebooks and servers, Dell has recently announced the launch of its new Inspiron 1525, the light-weight and smaller 15.4-inch widescreen notebook which is 25% thinner than its predecessor – 1520. In addition, this latest Inspiron 1525 notebook is also able to stay connected with Wi-Fi Catcher, optional Mobile Broadband, Bluetooth as well as wireless USB.
Key Features Of New Inspiron 1525:
- Dell MediaDirect technology, which provides one-touch instant access to music, photos and videos and select Microsoft Office program like Calendar and Contacts without turning on the notebook
- Stylish capacitive touch multimedia buttons for slick fingertip control of entertainment content
- Dell’s Wi-Fi Catcher , an easy way to locate and connect to a Wi-Fi network, or to turn off the wireless to help save battery life
- Multiple wireless options for both short and long-range connectivity
The new Dell Inspiron 1525 Notebook is now available in US market and the price is starts from $499 to $899, depending on configurations.