HTC Evo 4G at Sprint is probably one of the most powerful and fastest Android-based smartphones available in the market now, which is powered by a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor. While fast, some users may want to run the mobile device to run faster, and apparently there is room for speed improvement in HTC Evo 4G.
coolbho3000 from the xda-developers forum has manage to overclock the HTC Evo 4G to run at higher frequency of 1.267 GHz instead of 1 GHz, which is more than 25% boost in CPU power. While overclocking is nice, the device will run overvolt on higher frequencies, directly draining the battery life faster, and the device is hotter too.
The to overclock HTC Evo 4G to 1.267 GHz has been released, and it requires a root HTC Evo 4G in order to apply the in recovery mode. The packages a special overclocked kernel.
The also includes an undervolt, which makes the HTC Evo 4G to run at whole 0.1V lower when idle, and can help to conserve battery life.
Do note that sensors and camera do not work in the hacked kernel as the source is not complete yet. If there is any problem after applying the hack, just reboot into recovery mode and reinstall original ROM. It’s recommended to do a nandroid backup prior to hacking.
Download the
Download the source code: supersonic_oc-uv.tar.gz
Here’s the video demonstration of HTC Evo 4G running overclocking at 1.267 GHz.