PwnageTool is a jailbreaking utility developed by the iPhone Dev Team, who also has QuickPwn and the newly released Yellowsn0w unlocking tool in its arsenal. PwnageTool runs on Mac OS X only (Windows users use QuickPwn), and with the release of iPhone firmware version 2.2, PwnageTool 2.2.1 has been released to support the newest software and baseband.
PwnageTool is normally used when user want to create a custom firmware (.ipsw) which will not contain the baseband update that comes with new version of firmware, but still want to enjoy the new features of new version iPhone firmware on iPhone 3G.
Version 2.2.1 of Pwnage Tool fixes a bug related to “Simple Mode”, where previously in Pwnage Tool 2.2, user has to rely on “Expert Mode” as a workaround.
Download PwnageTool v2.2.1: PwnageTool_2.2.1.dmg
Update: PwnageTool 2.2.5 released.