eutube.jpg The European Commission launched its own channel on YouTube recently. The EUTube contains video content ranging from documentaries covering the EU’s activities and history to interviews with European commissioners. The purpose of this channel is to spread audiovisual messages about topics such as climate change, human rights, energy, immigration, EU issues, EU policies, etc via this video-sharing websites.

The EUTube has actually provides a platform for those who are interested to deliver their opinions. Nevertheless, statistic revealed that the EUTube video clip scoring the most hits by a large margin features nudity, dim lighting and some heaving breathing.

EU officials have disclosed that the most popular clip which titled Film Lovers Will Love This has been viewed more than 280,000 times. This 44-second clip of sex scenes showcases the strong emotions featured in European films, but the sexual content has raised concerns amongst some European Union lawmakers. This video clip shows eighteen couples, both homosexual and heterosexual, having sex in bedrooms, kitchens and restaurant bathrooms. As the groans build to climatic finish, the phrase “Let’s come together” flashes on the screen. This video clip was described as “soft porn” and a potential waste of taxpayers’ money by Godgrey Bloom of Britain’s eurospectic UK Independence Party.

The commission’s foray onto the popular video-sharing website is an encouraging move. Having said that, if the contents are not properly filtered, it is very embarrassing.

Film lovers will love this!

The next most popular video on EUTube is a humanitarian aid clip called “Reaching out to lend a hand”.

The next most popular video on EUTube is a humanitarian aid clip called “Reaching out to lend a hand”.