ExamForce.com and CIOInsight are giving away free complimentary download of a few study guides to prepares engineers and administrators to prepare and sit for Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), specifically Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certification examination test.
The complimentary Windows 2008 Server Study Guide Bundle with CCNA and Network+ include the following 2008 study guides:
70-631 TS: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Configuring
Covers the following Microsoft recommended objectives:
Deploy Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS)
Monitor Windows SharePoint Services
Configure Security for Windows SharePoint Services
Administer Windows SharePoint Services
Manage Customization
Configure Network Infrastructure for SharePoint Services
70-640 TS: Windows Server 2008 AD, Config
Covers the following Microsoft recommended objectives:
Configuring Domain Name System (DNS) for Active Directory
Configuring the Active Directory Infrastructure
Configuring Additional Active Directory Server Roles
Creating and Maintaining Active Directory Objects
Maintaining the Active Directory Environment
Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services
The bundle also includes bonus study guide as below:
70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Server 2003 Environment
640-802 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
N10-003 CompTIA Network+
The Cisco CCNA 640-802 is the single composite test for ICND1 – 640-822 and ICND2 – 640-816 classes that require to pass to gain the certification.
To receive the direct download links to the study guides, readers are required to register on http://www.examforce.com/customer/special17.php. However, for exam takers who afraid of spam and prefer to download directly instead, here’s the direct download links to the ZIP package, consists of 5 free study guides.
Download sg_offer_pkg.zip
Unpack ZIP file to get the following PDF files:
efsg_ms70631.pdf (1.93 MB)
efsg_ms70640.pdf (2.89 MB)
efsg_network+_n10-003.pdf (1.22 MB)
ep_cisco_ccna_640-802_fast_ facts.pdf (229.5 KB)
ep_ms70290_fast_facts.pdf (229.2 KB)
There is also free mega bundle of CramMasters with numerous courses available.