Fujitsu, the famous Japanese mobile phone maker has recently announced a new PRIME series mobile phone enhanced with unique features. Named as F-01B, it is equipped with few patent pending technologies such as advanced human-sensing technology on top of its powerful 12.2-megapixel camera backed with highly sophisticated photographic-assistance programs.

PRIME F-01B is designed with a relatively large 3.4-inch touchscreen display and when being added with a powerful 12.2-megapixel camera module utilizing high-accuracy Milbeaut Mobile image processing engine, it incorporates a few great functions such as facial recognition with ability to track and focus on specific individual with correct smile intensity before capturing high quality photos as well as user-friendly text and symbols input with stamp design that can be applied to photo image directly. What is more interesting here is its “ETGA Swing Lesson” mobile application that utilizes multiple sensitive 3D motion sensors embedded in the phone to extract body motion data so that it can be used to analyze golf swing of individuals with valuable feedback for improvement. Some other features include Exercise Monitor that can display exercise intensity in real time, Location Radar with map search function, fingerprint sensor and many more.

No pricing and availability yet, all these great features are sealed in stylish clamshell form factor with compliance to both water (IPX5/IPX7/IPX8) and dust resistance (IP5X), making it a rugged companion suitable in any environment.