Lugaru: The Rabbit’s Foot Game Free Download with Register Serial Number

Lugaru, (also known as loogaroo or Lugaru: The Rabbit’s Foot) is the first commercial third-person 3D action and adventure video game created by Wolfire Games for Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. Lugaru features an anthropomorphic rebel bunny rabbit with impressive well-developed combat skills named Turner.

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Hacker Evolution (with Reinsertion Expansion Pack) Free Activation Code and Download by GAOTD

Hacker Evolution from exosyphen studios, the creator of hacker games series such as Digital Hazard, BS Hacker and etc, is a hacking simulation game. In the Hack Evolution game, player plays role of a former intelligence agent, Brian Spencer, who specializes in computer security, against a complex enemy created by an artificial intelligence (AI).

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iBoobs (AppStore Rejected App) for iPhone Video Demo

iBoobs is a game that simulates bouncing breasts of sexy girl, wobbling by utilizing iPhone built-in accelerometer, where the boobs will be responding to iPhone device movement. iBoobs game is developed by Mystic Game Development, but has rejected by Apple for submission into AppStore. It means that all guys and male ‘gamers’ will have no luck to place their hand on a game closet to […]

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Sony PS3 Lost $50 per Console Unit Sold in Market

Sony PS3 is one of the famous high end game consoles in gaming community but do you realize that the Japanese maker is actually absorbing the loss (considering only the console cost) since it was launched back to 2006? Recently, iSuppli, the famous market analyst has estimated the actual hardware BOM (Bill of Material) cost and made comparison with current retail price and revealed that […]

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GPS Mission Games For GPS Enabled Phone

Thinking of organizing a treasure hunt or scavenger hunt game within your neighborhood? Orbster GmbH has released a free mobile game, GPS Mission, for GPS enabled phones. GPS Mission offers a series of mission orientated games that require gamers to travel with their GPS radio to the designated place and complete the missions assigned. For instance, users are required to walk out from the office, […]

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Namco Releases I Love Katamari Game For iPhone or iPod Touch

The leading publisher and developer of mobile games and entertainment for mass-market casual gamers, Namco Networks has released its famous puzzle-action game i Love Katamari for Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch, which utilizes full advantage of the iPhone/iPod Touch’s accelerometer to let players tilt the device right, left, front and back to roll the katamari with precision.

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Shoe Throwing Games Mushroomed After Bush Incident

The recent shoe-throwing at U.S. president, George W. Bush, at an Iraqi news conference has became hot talk worldwide especially in Arabian countries. The journalist who threw the shoes, Muntazer al-Zaidi, has become an instant sensation in the Arab world. He was hailed by many Iraqis as a national hero but at the same time blasted by the government and others as a barbarian. Political […]

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Capcom Announces New Resident Evil: Degeneration Mobile Game

The leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of mobile games, Capcom Mobile has announced the availability of its all new Resident Evil mobile game, named as Resident Evil: Degeneration, which places players in the role of Leon Kennedy as he fights his way through an airport overrun with an army of undead, based on the upcoming DVD and Blu-ray High-Def CG-animated movie – Resident Evil: […]

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Paramount Digital Entertainment Debuts Iron Man: Aerial Assault Game For iPhone And iPod Touch

The division of Paramount Pictures Corporation, Paramount Digital Entertainment (PDE) has announced the launch of the new Iron Man action-packed game for iPhone and iPod touch, named as IRON MAN: AERIAL ASSAULT, which utilizes the innovative technology in the mobile devices, such as accelerometer and Multi-Touch users interface, aiming to enrich the game play experience while providing new and exciting challenges to conquer throughout.

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Hands-On Mobile Announces Big Buck Hunter Pro With EyeMobile Engine Technology

The award-winning developer and publisher of mobile entertainment, Hands-On Mobile has announced the launch of Big Buck Hunter Pro for mobile, which enables gamers to aim guns by physically moving the handset to the left and right, thanks to the award-winning EyeMobile Engine technology that able to detect movements through the cellphone’s camera eye.

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New Logitech G13 Advanced Gameboard Giving Gamers Game-Changing Comfort And Control

One of the leading providers of computer peripherals & accessories, Logitech has announced the availability of its new hybrid gaming keyboard that designed to complement your Logitech keyboard and mouse – Logitech G13 advanced gameboard, offering up to 87 ways for gamers to control their game.

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Paradox Interactive Announces Mobile Versions Of Hearts Of Iron And Majesty

The leading developer and publisher of PC-based strategy games, Paradox Interactive has announced that they are working on mobile versions of its well known franchises Hearts of Iron and Majesty, which will be fully playable across all major mobile platforms, including popular Apple iPhone.

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