Garmin and Asus have recently announced their latest smartphone which named as Nuvifone M10. The Nuvifone M10 smartphone is claimed to be the first device to run on Windows Mobile 6.5.3 (codename Maldives). The Nuvifone M10 smartphone has been improved to include full navigation services from Garmin that turn the phone into a complete SatNav solution.
The smartphone is featured with a 3.5-inch WVGA touchscreen display with 800 x 600 resolutions. The Nuvifone M10 is also equipped with 5-megapixel camera and powered by 600MHz processor. It boasts with 512MB RAM and 512MB ROM, has built-in 4GB of internal memory and preloaded with Garmin GPS software for turn-by-turn direction while on the go. In addition, it is Wi-Fi enabled, supports up to 32GB of MicroSD card and comes with a 1500 mAh battery.
The Nuvifone M10 with dimension of 116 x 58 x 14.3 mm and weighs 138 grams is available for pre-order in Taiwan with the price tag at about US430. The smartphone is expected to start shipment by 6 of February.