The world leading software developer for web content and application delivery, Akamai Technologies, has published its first “State of the Internet” report. The “State of the Internet” report is issued on quarterly basic commencing from 2008 and the report will include data gathered across Akamai’s global server network about attack traffic and broadband adoption, as well as trends seen in this data over time.
The first released “State of the Internet” report has highlighted a few issues and finding. For instance, Akamai has observed attack traffic (viruses, worms, bots, etc) was originating from 125 unique countries around the world and found out that China (16.77%) and US (14.33%) were the two largest traffic sources, accounting for some 30% of traffic in total. From the observation, Akamai also highlighted that the top 10 countries (China, US, Taiwan, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Turkey and India) have accounted for 75% of the attacks; the most popular port of attack was Port 135; South Korea had the highest levels of high broadband connectivity (more than 5 Mbps) in the world followed by Japan, Hong Kong and Sweden; among the slowest countries Rwanda had the most connections below 256 Kbps etc.
Users who are keen to know the findings from this report can go to Akamai and get a copy. Users are required to register and answer a few simple questions to get a copy of the report.