HP has announced its new netbook named as HP Mini 311, which comes with 11.6-inch display with 1366 x 768 pixels resolution that can support HD video. The new HP Mini 311 netbook is equipped with an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor, NVIDIA ION LE graphics chipset, 1GB of DDR3 RAM, and 160GB SATA Hard drive. In addition, the netbook also integrated three USB 2.0 ports, 5-in-1 card reader, a built-in webcam for video conference, microphone, 802.11 b/g WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, HDMI, and VGA. Furthermore, the Mini 311 netbook also features 92% of the full keyboard size and a touch pad with two select buttons.
Features of HP Mini 311:
- 11.6-inch Diagonal HD LED(8) BrightView Widescreen Display with 1366 x 768 pixels resolution
- 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270 Processor
- 1GB DDR3 Memory
- 160GB (5400RPM) SATA Drive
- NVIDIA ION LE with up to 319MB available graphics memory
- 5-in-1 Memory Card Reader
- Three USB 2.0 ports
- Built-in Webcam with integrated digital microphone
- Altec Lansing Speakers
- 802.11b/g Wireless LAN
- Bluetooth, Ethernet, HDMI, and VGA
- 6 Cell Lithium Ion Battery
- 1-Year Limited Hardware Warranty with Toll Free Support (NA)
- Compatible with Genuine Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3
The HP Mini 311 is available in two colors: black and white. The netbook measures just 289 x 204 x 19.8-30.6 mm and weighs only 1.46 kg (including 6-cell battery). HP Mini 311 netbook will be available in October and preloaded with Windows 7 operating system with the price of $400 through leading retailers.