HTC has recently launched two new Android based handsets which are named as HTC Desire and HTC Legend. The HTC Legend is the successor of the highly popular and HTC Desire (previously known as Bravo) is similar to the Google Nexus One. Both of the phones have been designed to run on Android 2.1 and use the updated version of Sense UI.

The HTC Legend has been made up from a single block of aluminum which is featured with a 3.2-inch AMOLED Capacitive touchscreen and an optical trackpad. The HTC Legend is also equipped with a 5-megapixel camera. It is powered by a Qualcomm MSM7227 600 MHz Processor, has built-in 384MB of RAM and 512MB of ROM and integrated with A-GPS receiver. In addition, it is Bluetooth enabled, supports microSD memory card and Wi-Fi.

The HTC Desire is featured with a 3.7-inch AMOLED Capacitive touchscreen and an optical trackpad. The phone is also equipped with a 5-megapixel camera. It is powered by 1GHz Snapdragon CPU, has 576MB of RAM and 512MB ROM, and integrated with A-GPS receiver. Additionally, it is Bluetooth enabled, supports microSD memory card and Wi-Fi.

The HTC Legend and HTC Desire are expected to be available in the consumer markets in April 2010.