Intel has officially unveiled its new N-series Atom processors during the recent Computex Event held in Taiwan. The N-series Atom processors consists of both N270 and N230 clocking at maximum of 1.6GHz. If you recall, Intel has launched an earlier version of Z-series Atom processors during last IDF event in Shanghai. Nevertheless, all of them are having similar advantages – ultra small form factor with extremely low TDP (Thermal Dissipation Power) targeted for MID (Mobile internet Device) as well as upcoming netbook or nettop products.
There were two combinations of CPU and chipsets being announced. First is the pairing between Atom N270 CPU with 945GSE and ICH7M, while the second one is the pairing between Atom N230 CPU with 945GC and ICH7 chipsets. Both are using three-chip solution with slight delta in terms of feature sets which make them suitable for different products such as netbook and nettop respectively.
Intel Atom processors has gained much traction among PC board vendors. Some of the end products that are powered by Atom include Asus Eee 901 and upcoming Asus Eee 1000, MSI’s Wind PC, Gigabyte’s M912 series and more entry level low cost PC for emerging market. Although the processor has been designed in US, but surprisingly, about 90 percent of the end products are being developed by Taiwan OEM and that is one of the reason why the announcement is made during the world’s second largest Computer events held in Taiwan. Intel forecasts that the sales volume could exceed 100 million units by 2011. Can you imagine how many internet subscribers that can be created with those “net”-based products in the market three years down the road?