Intel has been doing so well with its Atom processors family that monopolize both netbook and nettop market segments with strong interests from board manufacturers. If you recall, the giant chipmaker had launched the first generation Intel Atom Z-series processor, codenamed as Silverthorne, a 2-chips solution since early last year. This has been followed by N-series processor, or better known as Diamondville as a 3-chips solution, a slightly bigger foot print but with almost half of the cost as compared to Z-Series solution that is able to position better in cost sensitive netbook and nettop markets. Now with the next generation N-Series N280, it is expected to continue the great momentum to bring Intel sales volume to next high level.
The new Intel Atom N280 series will be clocking at a maximum of 1.66GHz, at a slightly higher frequency as compared to current version of Z530 and N270 series running at 1.6GHz. While previous Z-series pairing with US15W chipset and N-series pairing with 945GSE and ICH7M, the new version is expected to be paired with GN40, a combo Southbridge/Northbridge that comes with better graphics capability.
Seems that the new pairing is targeted to boost graphics processing performance with GN40 while able to prolong device battery life time since neither US15W nor 945GSE are capable to decode and display 1080p Full HD (High Definition) resolution. No pricing and availability information yet, the next generation Intel Atom is rumored to be cost around $65 (price inclusive GN40 for manufacturer) in the middle range between current Z-series (around $95) and N-series (around $46).