Intel Atom processor has been getting huge demand from board vendors that caused shortage issue in the supply chain. Despite the current situation and potential competition from both VIA’s Nano and AMD’s Bobcat processor, Intel has unveiled a next generation Atom processor during recent IDF (Intel Developer Forum) 2008 as a replacement for existing Atom processor. Codenamed as Pineview, it is based on Lincroft micro architecture that is believed to be more powerful and thermal efficient as compared to existing Silverthorne based architecture.
What is so special about this Lincroft architecture is that it will actually integrate the graphics core as well as memory controller into the silicon package itself. The advantage is obvious – the data latency can be reduced significantly that will eventually improve the whole system performance. However, not much detail has been disclosed if it will increase the total package size since everything are now packed into the die itself. It further disclosed that DMI (Direct Media Interface) will be replacing conventional FSB (Front Side Bus) to connect Pineview Atom core to IO chip respectively.
The next generation processor will be available in market by second half of 2009 in both single and duo core version. It is expected that Intel will keep its momentum to continue penetrate into existing MID (Mobile Internet Device) and UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC) as well as embedded markets with its famous Atom family processors. Only one thing, they may need to resolve its manufacturing process issue so that the demand will not be the bottleneck due to overwhelming response from all the interested parties.