As an effort to promote Intel Atom processor for broader market, the giant chipmaker has just unveiled a new motherboard targeted for both nettop and netbook market. Named as D945GSEJT, it is a Mini-ITX form factor platform powered by Intel Atom processor clocking at 1.6GHz.
As expected, the Atom processor is coupled with Mobile Intel 945GSE Express chipset, which make it a suitable platform for both home and office usages. Some of the useful features include SATA (Serial ATA) ports, PCI Express slots, Gigabit Ethernet port, USB 2.0 host ports and other legacy interfaces. In terms of graphics interface, it supports both VGA and DVI dual independent display utilizing built in graphics core in the chipset. These are all fitted into a Mini-ITX form factor measured at only 170mm X 170mm dimension. Without the need of additional fan or heatsink that consumes space, the whole solution can be designed into a slim casing concealing a merely 20mm height platform.
No pricing is available yet, but since it is targeted for nettop and netbook market that are cost sensitive, the new platform should be affordable without burdening consumers in current economy situation.