Previously we mentioned about Intel second generation Classmate PC being released during last year CES, now the giant chipmaker has refreshed a newer and much powerful version based on its relatively newer Atom N450 processor. Running at 1.66GHz maximum clock speed, the Atom design is paired with NM10 IOH (I/O Hub) as a two-chip solution suitable for smaller form factor and low power requirements, with specific features tailored for education centric usages.

Being equipped with a 10.1-inch at 1366 x 768 resolutions, it offers a similar visual experience like normal netbooks in the market but with additional touchscreen functionality to ease up input control function on top of water resistance keyboard and touchpad. Internally, it has a 1GB DDR2 (upgradable to 2GB) memory RAM and a 2.5-inch SATA hard disk drive (at customizable storage size depending on OEM) suitable for normal office applications including educational usages. Worth to mention here is it also featured with a 1.3MP camera for live communication. Other features include commonly available USB 2.0 host ports, Ethernet 10/100 porwo PCI Mini card slots, SD card slot, VGA, 802.11g/b/n, optional 3G or WiMAX. All these are well packed into a 268 x 214 x 39.5mm stylish casing at less than 1.74kg in a convertible tablet PC-like form factor with a unique carrying holder.

No pricing information yet, the next generation Classmate PC is already available now from vendor like CTL to promote better education opportunity especially in emerging countries.