As a follow on product from previously released single core Atom processor, Intel has just officially announced a new dual-core Atom version for desktop market. Named as Atom 330, it is expected to be able to boost up the whole system performance without increasing the BOM (Bill of Material) cost significantly.

As compared to Intel Atom 230 single core version at $29, the new dual-core Atom 330 processor will be sold at $43, at a standard volume of 1000 units. In terms of performance, no doubt that dual-core version will be able to execute faster with the sufficient CPU cycles left for parallel processing especially when handling more intensive applications. Also, it is further enhanced with 1MB L2 cache being shared between two cores clocking at 1.6GHz. Besides improving the CPU cores, Intel has also validated higher memory speed at 667MHz (versus 533MHz in single core) to reduce the memory latency while serving two cores simultaneously.

Unfortunately, both these single and dual-core processors are only available for desktop PC version. Hopefully the giant company will consider a dual-core series for laptop version as an alternative to Atom N270 single core processor in short future.