Intel, the giant silicon manufacturer has just announced a new plan to release the next generation Intel Atom processor during the recent Embedded Technology 2008 held in Japan. According to its Vice President, Douglas Davis, the new Intel Atom processor, with codename ‘Embedded Menlow XL’ will have the same feature sets as per existing Intel Atom family, but will feature much rugged design with the aim to withstand extreme and harsh environment in embedded applications.
Obviously, Intel wants to continue the momentum of great traction with Intel Atom brand name while able to distinguish from previous release that could extend its usage modal beyond MID (Mobile Internet Device), UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC) as well as nettop in PC market. For instance, now with the new series of Intel Atom processors that feature with wider operating temperature range, it could be used in powering up an in-car navigation system or industrial PC that compliant to automotive and industrial standard.
The new Intel Atom processor will be released to public by 2009 and this will definitely help Intel to gain more market share especially in embedded segments.