Intel has responded to NVIDIA in its attempt to come out with an Ion Platform that integrates both ultra small form factor Intel Atom N270 processor with its high graphics performance GeForce 9400M chipset. Obviously, the good initiative to bring high graphics performance to netbook and nettop market was not appreciated by this giant chipmaker.

According to Intel spokesperson, its famous N270 Atom processor will only be validated and available with both Intel i945GSE and i945GC chipset, but not any other third party chipsets even though technically they are compatible or even believed to be able to deliver better graphics performance as compared to their own branded chipsets.

Obviously, Intel just wants to push more silicon to the market. Although it seems to be a win-win situation when NVIDIA tried to offer much more powerful graphics solution replacing its current chipset that will definitely able to satisfy consumer’s requirement when come to full HD 1080p media decoding, but on another thought, the giant chipmaker may need to sacrifice both its 945GSE chipset and ICH7M IO hub sale just to push Atom volume to next level.

Now, nothing much can be done by NVIDIA except hoping that consumers demand will drive for the change but in view of current great demand of Intel Atom processor, very unlikely that it will get exceptional approval.