Chipmaker Intel officially unveiled its new high-performance laptop processor at the Leipzig Games Convention in Germany. The powerful processor, Core 2 Extreme X7900, was shown during the convention to media and industry ahead of the official opening of Europe’s biggest show for interactive entertainment.
The Core 2 Extreme X7900 was designed for use in “Santa Rosa” platform-based gaming/high-performance notebooks. It contains powerful graphics processors and high-speed memory capabilities that meet the demands of today’s most sophisticated computer games. The Core 2 Extreme X7900 mobile CPU also features 800MHz front-side bus and 4MB of L2 cache. It run at rate of 2.8GHz but can be tuned up to 3.4GHz.. The power consumption for X7900 is about 44 watts.
Intel also revealed that the X7900 can be obtained for $851 for OEM manufacturers.