iPhone 4 is not only plagued with multiple bugs such as proximity sensor, poor reception and yellowish spots but the long anticipated white version will have to be delayed again. According to the latest statement from Apple Inc, the arrival which supposed to be available by end of this month, will be further pushed out due to opacity and thickness issue from its contract manufacturer, Lens Technology.

The reason of multiple delays was due to the continuous challenge faced by Lens Technology, its contract manufacturer to get satisfactory yield with targeted opacity and thickness defined by Apple during early engagement. However, due to the nature of material and stringent requirements, Lens Technology doesn’t able to meet them with serious yield loss with merely three success panels fabricated per every hour. The contract manufacturer doesn’t seem to be able to strike balance in providing the right pure white color while also maintaining sufficient space for digitizer overlay.

No exact date on when will the white version be available, the Cupertino based company further mentioned that it will be available ‘later this year’, which is very much depending on when the production yield issue can be resolved. However, this will not impact existing black version availability as the only color option at this moment.