If you wonder what will be the nominant LCD panel size for smartphone markets, the recent online source indicates that Apple’s next generation iPhone 5 is planned to adopt 4-inch screen size. If you aware, most of the Google’s Android based smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy S, Google Nexus S have already been designed with 4-inch touch screen and with such popularity of Android Operating Systems, the Cupertino company sees the need to have at least on-par or similar screen size targeted for this competative market space.
With such demand from smartphone vendors, the industry panels’ makers have started to align their strategy in developing 4 to 5.5-inch display panels targeted for smartphones usage. Besides a relatively larger size display module for this market, TFT display with integrated touch function is another area that will get more concentration, on top of popular AMOLED or even more advanced Samsung Super PLS LCD Technology. However, current supply for AMOLED is still in shortage, with most of the supply dominated by SMD (Samsung Mobile Display).
There isn’t any confirmation from Apple if its next generation iPhone 5 will be finalized with 4-inch display, but this is definitely a good indicator of what next generation smartphones you should consider when comes to display size, resolution that will able to enhance greater web browsing experience on mobile devices.