iPod touch is a portable media player, personal digital assistant and Wi-Fi mobile platform from Apple. In order to increase the popularity of its iPod touch, Apple has upgraded its iPod touch to fourth generation of iPod touch. The new iPod touch has been featured with Retina display and two cameras, one at front for FaceTime video calling and one at rear camera for photos and HD video recording. The speed of the processing has been improved with Apple’s A4 chip. In addition, it also featured with a microphone for communication and voice memos and a three-axis gyroscope for better gaming experience.
Key features of the new iPod touch includes:
- FaceTime – Allow users to make video calls to new iPod touch users or iPhone 4 user over Wi-Fi.
- Retina Display – four times the pixel count of previous iPod models that makes graphics and images stunningly sharp, and text amazingly crisp.
- HD Video Recording and Editing – Able to capture the moment in high-definition 720p video and edit on the iPod touch.
- New Game Center – Allow users to add more players to their gaming network. Invite friends to join.
- Operating Systems – Preloaded with iOS 4.1.
The fourth generation of iPod touch is expected to be available in next week and is available in three models with 8GB for $229, 32GB for $299 and 64GB for $399.