The Japanese consumer electronics giant, Sony has recently announced the launch of its latest UMPC, named as Vaio UX490N. This ultra-portable mobile PC features an Intel Core 2 Solo U2200 ULV running at 1.2Ghz, along with 1GB of memory DDR2 RAM and an 4.5-inches LCD display with nice SVGA 1024×600 resolution displaying pixie-dwarfing text size.


The main improvement of this ultra PC if compared to previous models is a new kind of solid state drive (SSD) with 48GB capacity instead of Ye Olde Hard Diske Drive.

As same as its predecessor, there’re also a built-in microphone, onboard monaural speakers as well as 2 cameras located on the front and on the rear, with 0.3 megapixels and 1.3 megapixels, correspondingly.

The new Sony Vaio UX490N UMPC which incorporates a fingerprint scanner is comes with a suggested price of $2,499. Check more details of this micro laptop on its official site.