The well-known consumer electronics giant, LG has introduced its new compact, virtually frameless LG GD510 (also called as Pop) with a narrow 4.8mm bezel, which claims as the most compact 3-inch full touchscreen phone ever made, featuring a large 3-inch WQVGA (240 x 400 pixels) touchscreen display, 3 megapixel camera, 8GB on-board memory, easy-to-use browser and optional back cover with solar panel.
“We gave the LG GD510 an optimized feature set which allowed us to concentrate on making the phone more compact and simpler to use,” said Dr. Skott Ahn, President and CEO for LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “Our high-end phones like the Black Label Series New LG Chocolate (LG BL40) may be getting all the attention but there’s a gap in the market for affordable touchscreen phones that we want to fill. The LG GD510 delivers all the essentials in communication, multimedia and entertainment and comes in a compact form factor as well.”
The new sleek and stylish LG GD510 Pop is expected to be available in Europe starting mid-October 2009, followed by other markets, but now words on its price yet.
Watch the demo video of LG GD510 below: