LG Electronics has announced its new stylish, advanced smartphone, named as LG Optimus 3D, which LG claims as the world’s first full 3D smartphone running on Google Android 2.2 Froyo. LG Optimus 3D is equipped with 3D-capable 4.3-inch WVGA display, dual-core 1GHz Texas Instruments OMAP4 processor, 5 megapixels dual-len camera, HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) connector and DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) support for easy sharing of multimedia content. Besides that, it also able to capture and view 3D videos without glasses, and upload and share them instantly with others via YouTube.
Features of LG Optimus 3D:
- Glasses-free 4.3-inch 3D WVGA (800×480) touch screen display
- 1GHz Dual-Core Dual-Channel Texas Instruments OMAP4 processor
- 8GB of memory and 4GB LP DDR2 memory
- 5MP dual-lens camera
- 2D: 1080p MPEG-4/H.264 recording and playback
- 3D: 720p H.264 SEI recording and playback
- HSPA+,
- HDMI 1.4 port
- Supports video formats: H.264, H.263, DivX, MKV, WMV-9, ASF, AVI, 3GP, MP4
- 1,500 mAh battery
- Google Android 2.2 Froyo operating system
LG Optimus 3D smartphone which measures 128 x 68 x 12 mm and weighs 168 grams is expected to be available first quarter of 2011 but no words on its price yet.