With the increase demand of elderly folks to stay connected with internet, Wessex Computers and Valerie Singleton see the business opportunity to develop an entry level easy-to-operate PC machine that allows even older generation folks to enjoy internet browsing activities without being limited by their ages and PC computing knowledge. Named as SimplicITy, it is designed with very simple GUI that enables quick and direct access to system functions in simple clicks.


Basically the interface only consists of six buttons, namely Email, About Me, Video Tutorial, Browse the Web, Chat and Documents and with these self-explanatory button press, it will bring the users to specific functions without the need to go through hassle like conventional PC. As expected, there will be no log-in requirements or start up windows to make it truly simple with instant ON and Connect capability. Preloaded with Linux Mint Operating System, which is claimed to be less vulnerable to security threats such as spywares or viruses, it will able to offer a full peace of mind environment especially suitable for those that are aged 50 years old and above without any technical support required.

The systems are already available now with a lead time of 2-weeks to customize, there will be two versions – SimplicITY Suite 100 (single-core) and SimplicITY Suite 200 (dual-core) at £436 and £526 respectively with all accessories bundled with.