Netbook has been classified under sub entry level notebook category but with its attractive pricing and specification, it has emerged as a new market segment that manages to attract consumer for new machine refresh and bring more revenues to PC makers. Just recently, DisplaySearch, a famous research firm has just announced that the shipment for netbooks could potentially reach 32.7 million units by this year.

The total shipments are up by 11.1 percent compared to last year when taking all notebooks’ families into accounts, with netbook be the significant contribution out of all. And among the global shipment, netbooks are getting better response in emerging countries such as Latin America, Middle East, Europe and Africa due to its affordable pricing as compared to other geography area. Besides lower cost, a larger display size netbook at 12.1-inch also helps to boost the volume sales into consumer space since multimedia capabilities is indeed very important in netbook’s requirements nowadays.

Out of so many famous netbook makers, Acer is on the top of sales that takes most portion of the market share which supersedes Dell as the second largest computer sales after HP with the popularity of its netbook in total notebook market. If only concentrate on the netbook sales itself, Acer is expected to be topped up with 40 percent followed by Asustek at 30 percent and other manufacturers sharing the rest of the pie chart distribution.

Obviously, this is a great news considering the current economic situation but yet there are still very high demand to push more netbook units into market space.