The world’s leader in new digital era, Asus, has introduced an upgraded model of its gaming notebook G71Gx in CeBIT 2009. The gaming notebook is featured with the world’s fastest NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M notebook graphics processor with 1GB of DDR3 video RAM for enhance the gaming experience. The gaming notebook comes with a unique exterior design that combines a metal coloring with red and blue.


Featured with a 17-inch WUXGA HD display of 1920 x 1200 pixels, Asus G71Gx is also powered by Intel’s Centrino 2 processor. It boasts a Blu-ray drive, equipped with 12GB of DDR2 RAM and 1TB of SATA hard drive storage. Additionally, it also integrated with three SODIMM slots and Altec Lansing speakers.

The price and availability is not yet specify.