Genius has launched its latest force feedback racing wheel for both PS2 & PC platforms, named as TwinWheel FF, which features Immersion-patented TouchSense technology and 12 programmable buttons for proficient driving controls, aiming to provide gamers an ultimate driving experience.
Main Features Of Genius TwinWheel FF:
- 12 programmable buttons for total gaming flexibility
- Rubberized wheel comfortable to hold
- Force feedback technology feels just like real life
- Users can feel every bump, collision and crash, thanks to Immersion-patented TouchSense technology
- Ergonomic foot pedals include an accelerator and brake
- 4 suction cup and C-clamps fit most tables and desks, aiming for perfect control and stability during any race
The new TwinWheel FF force feedback racing wheel that compatible with PS2 and PC is now available for $89.