The global leader in mobile communications, LG Electronics has announced it’s new LG Viewty Smart (LG-GC900), which the company claims as the slimmest 8 megapixel camera phone currently available, measuring at just 12.4 mm deep. The LG Viewty Smart features Intelligent Shot Mode that able to analyze the subject, background as well as lighting conditions, and choosing best-suit camera settings accordingly (7 pre-programmed scenarios), aiming to deliver best pictures possible.


“LG Viewty is back and better than ever, with new smart camera applications that take care of all the complicated camera adjustments and processing for you,” said Dr. Skott Ahn, President & CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “LG Viewty Smart represents the next generation of LG camera phones, and will drive LG leadership in the camera phone industry with its innovative, smart technology.”

Powerful Features Of LG Viewty Smart (LG-GC900):

  • Wide 3-inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixels resolution) screen display with the company’s new easy-to-use 3D S-Class UI
  • 8-megapixel camera with LED flash and sensitivity up to ISO 1600, featuring Touch Shot, Art Shot, Beauty Shot, Panorama Shot, Continuous Shot, Multi Face Detection and DVD-quality D1 video recording capabilities
  • New Intelligent Shot Mode automatically analyzes the subject, background and lighting conditions aiming for perfect photos every time
  • 7.2 Mbps HSDPA network and Wi-Fi compatibility
  • A-GPS with geo-tagging capability
  • 1.5 GB on-board memory with MicroSD card slot for extension memory up to 32 GB

“LG understands the importance to consumers of being able to capture quick and spontaneous moments while out on the move,” said Jeremy Newing, head of marketing, LG Mobile UK. “Building on the success and heritage of the Viewty brand, the new LG Viewty Smart, with its Intelligent Shot Mode, means now it couldn’t be simpler and quicker for mobile phone users to capture those special moment.”

The new LG Viewty Smart (LG-GC900) is expected to be available beginning May 2009, but no words on it’s price yet.