The Japanese electronics company, Sanyo has introduced its newest video cam, named as Xacti DMX-HD1000. It’s a small, slim and stylish full HD 1080p camcorder which features an 10x optical zoom, 2.7-inch LCD screen, HDMI output, SDHC compatibility (up to 8GB – holds up to1 hour and 25 minutes of full HD recording) and an adjustable grip that can be rotated up to 135 degrees. Besides, this compact camcorder has the ability to record at 1,920 x 1,080 resolution (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 formats) and 8-megapixel still photoshots. It’s cool!


In addition, the company also includes the new ergonomic design on its Xacti HD1000, which aimed to enhance your video recording experience.


The new Sanyo Xacti DMX-HD1000 that measures 90.0×112.6×54.5mm and weights only 286 grams is expected to be available from mid-September 2007 for about $800.