Japan consumer electronics giant, Sony has announced a pair of upgrades to its HD-compatible camcorder lines. The Sony SR8 and SR5C HD capable handycams that look like an upgraded version of SR7 and SR5. The Sony HDR-SR8 shares the same features of 3.2-megapixel Clearvid CMOS sensor, 10X optical zoom, Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T lens and true optical image stabilization. On another side, a more direct upgrade is the new Sony HDR-SR5C model, increasing the on-board storage capacity on hard drive from 40 GB to a mighty 100GB so that you have no need to worry about the memory space.
Both Sony HD camcorders are expected to begin shipping at or before July 9th and selling for about $1,600 (Sony SR8) and $1300 (Sony SR5C).