Toshiba has launched its new laptop Qosmio series F40W which is based on the Santa Rosa platform. F40W is a 15.4-inch multimedia-centric machine that has a 1,280 x 800 resolution, powered with Intel’s Core 2 Duo T7300 (2GHz) CPU with an 800MHz bus, 120GB of hard drive space, up to 4GB of RAM, NVIDIA’s new 128MB GeForce 8400M GS for DirectX 10, HDMI (high definition multimedia interface) output and built-in digital TV tuner which allows you to enjoy TV program on the notebook.


This Toshiba machine also equipped with a dual-layer DVD-RW optical drive (LabelFlash) and 3 speaker systems with new bus reflex type sub woofer, making it great for watching DVD movie and gaming experience.

The Toshiba Qosmio F40W costs about 259,800 yen ($2,140) but no words on its availability in US yet.