Nokia has added a new phone to its CMDA collection for the China market, which called as Nokia 6316s. The phone has been specifically designed to support for China Telecom’s 3G network. The functionally of the phone has been enhanced with a built-in GPS receiver and media player with dedicated controls on top of the slider.


The Nokia 6316s is featured with a 2.2-inch display with 320 x 240 resolutions and is equipped with a 2-megapixel camera. Its preloaded with several mobile applications including MSN, QQ, an e-mail client, Internet browser and trial apps for mobile navigation as well as stock quotes. In addition, it is Bluetooth enabled.

“Nokia is boosting its leadership in the CDMA market by updating an already strong line-up with products that appeal to a wide range of customer needs,” said by David Tang, Vice President of Nokia China.

“Of these devices, the Nokia 6316s is bringing exciting 3G services to life for users in China. Building on previous collaboration over the Nokia 8208, this is yet another success story resulting from our close relationship with China Telecom,” he added.

Available in black, gold and red, the Nokia 6316s is expected to be available at the first quarter of 2010 and the price is not yet announced.