Nvidia’s Ion chipset solution has gained similar traction as when Intel enters the new netbook market with its relatively old chipset pairing that doesn’t seems to be able to satisfy consumers’ requirement especially HD (High Definition) video decode capability. In order to continue its momentum, the famous discrete graphics card maker has planned to get its next generation Ion chipset into consumer space, opening up more processors pairing opportunities by end of this year.
Unlike Nvidia’s Ion chipset that being limited to certain processor series, the new Ion 2 chipset is expected to be compatible with relatively older Pentium, Celeron, Core 2 architecture besides VIA Nano processors. This is definitely good news to OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) or board makers that intends to put graphics capability as one of the selling points targeted for both netbook as well as notebook utilizing CULV (Consumer Ultra Low Voltage) processors. As expected, Nehalem based architecture such as Core i3, i5 or i7 is not in the support lists due to the chipset licensing dispute between Intel and Nvidia.
No detailed information on Ion 2 architecture yet but initial specifications leak disclosed that it could potentially be built on 40-nm process technology which possibly boost up the whole performance while able to shrink down the foot print and reduce the power consumption significantly. Theoretically, it can offer twice as much of shader effects at 32 suitable for any graphics centric applications as compared to its predecessor.