Japanese electronics leader, Sanyo, Japan, recently announced its pocket sized digital movie camera. The new Sanyo Xacti DMX-CG65 digital compact camera/camcorder is about the size of a palm and it has a piston grip for users to carry around conveniently.
The new DMX-CGT65 will be put into the Japanese market from late April this year. This new gadget comes with a 6-Megapixel image sensor and a 5x optical zoom. It uses a new high-precision LSI (large-scale integration) engine III under its hood and features a large 2.5-inch LCD display with 110,000 total pixels. This powerful high-definition engine executes a vast number of calculations in a short period of time and enables the Sanyo Xacti CG65 digital camera to realize image processing functions such as real-time MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 compression and noise reduction. With MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 format, the DMX-CGT65 allows the recorded video to be uploaded onto websites as well as taking a six-million-pixel still image. The sound system for DMX-CGT65 digital camcorder also performs well with the stereo sound of 48kHz sampling in 16 bit compressed with AAC system.
A summary of Sanyo DMX CG65 features:
• High performance 6.0 Megapixel CCD and 5.0x optical zoom
• MPEG-4 natural VGA-size movie with digital stabilizer for ease of shooting
• 6.0 Megapixel still images with digital stabilizer
• High sensitivity of 1600 ISO
• 2.5-inch large LCD display with 110,000 total pixels for great review.
• The stylish, compact and streamlined design is easy and quite comfortable to hold;
• Easy to edit video clips, video editing features included
• It supports the new Secure Digital flash platform Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) and has a minimum storage capacity of 4GB and a maximum of up to 32Gb with additional SDHC cards
Read the press release from Sanyo (in Japanese).