The leader in digital video technologies, Panasonic has recently announced the launch of its two new SD card camcorders including waterproof SDR-SW20 and ultra-mobile SDR-S7. Both models feature the same single 1/6-inch CCD with a gross pixel count of 560,000, 10X optical zoom and 2.7-inch LCD screen.
“In the past, camcorders were most often used to record special events, such as weddings and vacations. However, camcorder usage has evolved, and consumers demand better technologies and have more versatile needs,” said Alex Fried, National Marketing Manager, Imaging, Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company. “Panasonic has addressed this demand by announcing two new SD Card camcorders that offer unique designs and features for specific activities, but are still compact and affordable enough for everyday use, such as uploading to online video sites.”
New Features Of Latest Panasonic SDR-SW20 And SDR-S7:
- World Timer – Handy for travelers, this feature makes it easy to set the time when crossing time zones and again when returning home. Simply select the destination from the display map, and the camcorder is automatically set for that time zone. The time for two different locations can be set – such as home and destination – allowing the user to switch between the times by simply pressing a button.
- 0.6-Sec Quick Start – Starts recording just 0.6 second from the time the LCD is opened, making it easier to catch those special moments that come with no warning.
- Create DVD Discs with One-Touch Ease – This new function allows users to save content onto DVD discs without all the fuss. Connect the SW20 or S7 via USB cable to a VW-BN1 DVD Burner (optional), and press a single button to copy recorded video clips from an SDHC/SD Memory Card to a DVD disc (DVD-RAM/-RW/-R/-R DL).
The new Panasonic SDR-SW20 camcorder will be available in coming February for $399, while the SDR-S7 will ship in May for $299.